Dec 30, 2018

Top Ten Blog Advice

Hello my friends!

While signing up for all these challenges, I found other bloggers who do book reviews and some I am privileged to call friends.  One blog was Sara Reads to Much and one of her posts spoke to me on why I blog in the first place. 

I quit last year as was overwhelmed by everything in my life but for 2019 I plan on remembering the following:

Courtesy of Sara Reads to Much 
I have changed slightly to reflect me so Please go to Sara's blog and read original post.

Have fun!  This is your blog and you are writing about what you love – so always have fun with it.  It is too easy to feel stressed about keeping to a schedule, or overburdening yourself with commitments – so keep your primary goals in mind and always have fun with it.  This is not a job, no one is making you write a blog.Keep your goals in mind.  There could be any number of reasons why you decided to start writing a blog.   Personally, I wanted to share my cardmaking as well as make crafty friends.  Now I need a way to keep track of the books I’ve read, what I thought about them, and hopefully find other people with whom I could discuss them.  I will add more to my list of goals as my blog and health improves and I further develop my “voice”, but I can always feel like I’m successful when looking at my goals.

Do not over-commit.  I’ve had trouble with this, in other aspects of my life back when I was working and healthy.  Once you’ve attracted some publishers, or have developed a relationship with a publicist – it is really fun and exciting to have new releases and ARCs available to you.  Sara began having a lot of trouble saying no to many of the pitches, and then she had trouble reading all those books in the time frames that she had promised.  I  have done this with my cardmaking, once it feels like a chore or work I no longer enjoy it.  With that said reading should never be stressful.  So as Sara says don't over commit you will be  all the more happier for it.

Be social.  This is a hard one for me, and I’m still working at it.  Join Twitter, and get chatty.  Promote yourself, especially if you’ve just written a post you’re really proud of.  Go to author events and meet other bloggers and the authors themselves.  This will add to your experience ten-fold.  I haven’t personally attended any of the big conferences (BEA or ALA) but do it if you can swing it.  Also, read other book blogs and try to make a point of commenting as often as you can.  After all, don’t comments on your blog make you smile?

Make your own rules.   And then break them if you want to.  No one says you need to post everyday, so don’t feel like you have to.  Having a post-free day is much better than a week full of meme-posts or a post just full of links you’ve collected.  Don’t get me wrong – meme posts are fun and a great way to introduce yourself to other bloggers (look – I’m doing one RIGHT NOW) but you’ll find that the overwhelming majority of my posts are original content/reviews.

Edit, spell check, proofread, etc.  This should go without saying, but unfortunately it needs to be said.  I admit that I make mistakes too, we are all human after all, but I will not read a blog that makes grammatical errors all over the place.  I just can’t take you seriously if it appears you don’t care enough about your own opinion to write it correctly.

Don’t write for stats.  Yes, stats are becoming more important and publishers have begun taking them into consideration as they have more and more bloggers to work with.  But stats should not be your focus.  Giveaways are fun and bring more traffic to your site – but how many of them stick around to keep reading your words?  Do you want a huge number of “followers” who don’t really follow you?  So I suggest having giveaways if you like – they are fun after all – but don’t break your bank holding them, and don’t force people to “follow” you to enter.  You should always be writing for you.

Make sure your blog is easy to read.  This is also one that should go without saying, but truth is…  wow.  It is amazing to me how some people choose to display themselves through their blog.  Dark red text on a black background is not easy to read.  Sure, it may look cool, but it is not easy to read and therefore I will not read it.  If you aren’t sure, check your site out on other devices – especially mobile devices (phones, iPads) and see what it looks like there.  You might be surprised.  And please, shut the music off.  You are the only one who likes it, trust me.  Also, lots of flashy “things” on your sidebar might look cool to you – but will probably make your page load slower, frustrating potential readers.

Use those extra pages to your advantage!  No matter which blogging platform you use, you should have the ability to create other pages besides your “home” page (where your posts show first).  Create an interesting “About You” page…  I will admit that is one of the first things I want to read in a newly discovered blog (after the post that brought me there of course).  You should also have a clear review policy which will help your relationship with publishers and authors – and be truthful.  Are you accepting books for review?  What kinds?  Are there any genres that you will not read?  What about self-published books?  Check out my policy on my About Me page if you aren’t sure what I’m talking about.  I also use pages for master lists of the books I’ve reviewed (one page by genre, another page my author) and you wouldn’t believe the thankful comments I’ve received for these pages.  This is something that is easier to start when you start your blog, and not a couple of years into it.  Trust me.

Always be considerate.  Do you like a feature that a blogger has created on their site?  Tell them, and always ask first if you’d like to recreate it or do something similar on your site – and give them credit.  Never ever ever plagiarize your posts.  Write negative reviews if that is how you feel about the book, but don’t be hurtful or over the top with negativity.  Writing a good negative review can be harder than a glowing review for this very reason.  You should always be respectful of the author and your audience.  This also goes for commenting or chatting with other bloggers….  it is perfectly acceptable to disagree and speak your piece, but you are far more likely to be heard if you do so respectfully.  I’ve seen many a debate on Twitter where two passionate bloggers resolve to agree to disagree, and that is that.  Some people love the drama, but I prefer an intelligent debate.

Above all – HAVE FUN!

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little blog!
I always love reading comments and getting to know my fellow cozy lovers.


Dec 29, 2018

2019 Cruisin' Thru The Cozies Reading Challenge

Hello my Cozy friends!

My 9th Challenge for 2019 is called Cruisin' Thru The Cozies Reading Challenge as offered by Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews... this one sounds super fun!

Challengers have two options - one is to read only sub-genres and the other is to read cozy mysteries of your choice.

I naturally chose option B) Read one book from only sub-genres:

- One from culinary (anything dealing with food: restaurants, baked goods, etc.)
- One from animal related (cats, dogs, birds, etc.)
- One from craft related (any kind of hobbies - knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc.)
- One from paranormal (witches, vampires, etc.)
- One from cozy mysteries based outside the US (example: Belinda Lawrence series (British))
- One career-based cozy mystery (housekeeping, wedding planner, etc.)
- One holiday based (set during any holiday - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines, etc.)
- One travel mystery (character could be on a cruise, touring another area, etc.)
- One historical mystery (any mystery not set in the present)
- One is your choice! (freebie!)

Full details and rules are available over on Yvonne's blog or in the Goodreads group.

Here are the levels you can join for either A or B…

Level one (Snoop) -
A) Read 10 cozy mysteries of your choice.
B) Read one book in each of the above cozy sub-genres (total of 10 books)

Level two (Investigator) -
A) Read 20 cozy mysteries of your choice.
B) Read all the books in level one plus an additional 10 cozy books of your choice (total of 20)

Level three (Super Sleuth) -
A) Read 30 cozy mysteries of your choice.
B) Read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 10 cozy books of your choice (total of 30 books)

Level four (Sleuth Extraordinaire) -
A) Read 40 cozy mysteries of your choice.
B) Read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 20 cozy books of your choice (total of 40 books)

The challenge runs from January 1, 2019 and ends December 31, 2019.

You don't have to post a review, but I'm sure others would love to know about the books you are reading and may even want to add it to their reading lists.

I'm going to go for Level 3 (Super Sleuth) to read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 10 cozy books of your choice (total of 30 books). I'll be listing them here...

1.  Pies and Prejudice - Ellery Adams
2.  Inherit the Word - Daryl Wood Gerber
3.  Curiosity Thrilled the Cat - Sofie Kelly
4.  Bickering Birds (Cozy Corgi Mysteries Book 3) - Mildred Abbott
5.   Last Wool and Testament - Molly MacRae 
6.  Glitter Bomb - Laura Childs
7.  The Witches Of Enchanted Bay Cozy Mystery Book 1 - Amelia Morgan
8.  Murders and Metaphors: A Magical Bookshop Mystery - Amanda Flower
9.   Off Kilter  - Hannah Reed
10. The Cracked Spine: A Scottish Bookshop Mystery - Paige Shelton
11.  Lethal in Old Lace: A Consignment Shop Mystery - Duffy Brown
12. Murder in White Lace: A Bridal Shop Cozy Mystery Book 1 - Karen Sue Walker
13. Yule Be Dead - Lorraine Bartlett
14. Christmas, Corpses, and Clockwork Kittens - L.A. Nisula
15. Starboard Secrets: A Cruise Ship Cozy Mystery Book 1 - Hope Callaghan 
16. Murder in the South of France (The Maggie Newberry Mystery Book 1) - Susan Kiernan-Lewis
17. Mrs. Jeffries Delivers the Goods - Emily Brightwell 
18. The Tuscan Child - Rhys Bowen
19. Murder, Mayhem and Bliss (Myrtle Grove Garden Club Mystery Book 1) - Loulou Harrington
20. Ditched 4 Murder - JC Eaton
21. Death at First Sight - Lena Gregory
22. Staged 4 Murder - JC Eaton
23. Hooked on Ewe - Hannah Reed
24. Murder in the Mystery Suite - Ellery Adams
25. Sunny Side Up - Sonia Parin
26. Books can be Deceiving - McKinlay
27. Longest Yard Sale - Sherry Harris
28. Murder by the Book - Lauren Elliot
29. Walled Flower - Lorraine Bartlett
30. One Potato, Two Potato - Lynn Cahoon

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog!

P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


Dec 28, 2018

2019 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

Hello my cozy friends,

This past year was very disappointing in respect to my crafting as well as my reading...
So for the first time I am participating in 10 challenges and I am loving the sign up process, picking out what books I will read! It hopefully will be incredibly helpful in nudging me to read some of the older books on my kindle and all the paperbacks I have been collecting lately.

This TBR Challenge is sponsored by Adam at "Roof Beam Reader". You can sign up at his blog's page  Announcing the 2019 TBR Pile Challenge! (sign up here).

The goal is to read just 12 books from your TBR pile.

This shouldn't be a big issue as I have bought 20 paperbacks this year that need reading, they are part of the  Print Only ChallengeFrom the way this blog is worded, I would say these books definitely need to be physical books.  

Thankfully crossovers from other challenges are totally acceptable, as long as you have never read the book before and it was published before 2018!

Plus 2 alternates may be picked just on the off-chance that there's a book you won't make it through

*Every person who successfully reads his/her 12 books and/or alternates (and who provides a working link to their list, which has links to the review locations) will be entered to win a $50 gift card from or The Book Depository!

See Adam's sign up page for all the details and to link up if you have a blog.

My 2019 Roof Beam Reader TBR Challenge List:
  1. Ditched 4 Murder - JC Eaton
  2. Booked 4 Murder - JC Eaton
  3. Staged 4 Murder - JC Eaton
  4. Off Kilter - Hannah Reed
  5. Dressed to Kilt - Hannah Reed
  6. Hooked on Ewe - Hannah Reed
  7. Walled Flower - Lorraine Bartlett
  8. Copycat Killing - Sofie Kelly
  9. Curiosity Thrilled the Cat - Sofie Kelly
  10. Books Can be Deceiving - Jenn McKinlay

  1. The Bookshop of Yesterdays - Amy Meyerson
  2. Origin - Dan Brown

Chat: On Social Media, please use #TBR2019RBR

As I was typing up this post 3 more bools arrived!

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little blog!
I always love reading comments and getting to know my fellow cozy lovers.


Books! I Need More Books

Hello my cozy friends,

As you have seen over the last week I have had several posts to do with reading challenges, I apologize for bombarding you with them but when I sign up i have to link to my blog post about the challenge.  After this weekend I should be done signing up.  Goodreads only had me down as reading 21 books in 2018 and i believe I have committed to read over 60!

I will be really proud of myself if I can reach 100 books in 2019. 

I did receive tons of books in paperback as well as kindle version for christmas and then today I go and buy 15 more for $1 - $3 on Amazon.  I also received another ARC book by Chelsea Thomas the second in the Apple Orchard Mystery series. 

Currently the first in series Apple Die is available for free!! Yes I said FREE

What are everyone's plans for the weekend?  

Mine is to tidy house and read of course.  Fighting another sinus cold so I should be able to curl up and read lots.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little blog!
I always love reading comments and getting to know my fellow cozy lovers.


Dec 27, 2018

Mount TBR Reading Challenge - 20189

Hello my fellow cozy readers,

One of the blogs I follow Cuddle up with Cozy Mystery and a Dachshund  posted this challenge by Bev over at  My Reader’s Block blog runs this. Bev also has it on Goodreads, so you can keep track there too.
Image from Bev’s page to identify this challenge.

I will be going for Mt. Vancouver or 36 books from my TBR pile. Here’s my Goodreads link where I’ll keep track on a shelf. 

Challenge Levels:

  • Pike’s Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s
  • Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
  • Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
  • Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR piles/s
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
  • El Toro: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s
  • Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
  • Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s

Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2019. No library books!
Physical or e-books count.  
Books may be used to count for other challenges as well, which I am happy about. 
For full rules, here’s the sign-up link on Bev’s blog again.

Challenge runs from January 1 to December 31, 2019.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little blog!
I always love reading comments and getting to know my fellow cozy lovers.


Print Only 2019 Reading Challenge

Hello my cozy friends

I have become addicted to entering these challenges thanks to a couple of my cozy friends!

This one is run by As Told by Tina  Print Only Challenge 2019 Reading Challenge.
The picture is property of Tina and indicates I’m part of this challenge.
It’s easy and straightforward: physical books only, but they can be yours, borrowed or gifts, as long as they are a physical book.   Dust off some of your books and read them.

I’m going for the 10+ Out of Print, since I received 10 paperbacks for christmas from my lovely Lindi-Lou.  I have more in a TBR pile so ...


1-10 – Out Of Print
11-20 – 1st Edition
21-30 – 2nd Printing
31- 40 – Signed Edition
41+ – Collector’s Edition

My books:
  1. Copycat Killing - Sofie Kelly
  2. Botched 4 Murder - JC Eaton
  3. Glitter Bomb - Laura Childs
  4. Sleight of Paw - Sofie Kelly
  5. Staged 4 Murder - JC Eaton
  6. Curiosity Thrilled the Cat - Sofie Kelly
  7. Death at First Sight - Lena Gregory
  8. Ditched 4 Murder - JC Eaton
  9. Yule Be Dead - Lorraine Bartlett 
  10. Dead, Bath, and Beyond - Lorraine Bartlett
Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little blog!
I always love reading comments and getting to know my fellow cozy lovers.


2019 What an Animal Reading Challenge

Hello friends,

Over on  Yvonne of Socrates’ Reviews, and you can use her 2019 What an Animal Reading Challenge  page to sign up for another fun goal.. (me it will be Dogs)

If you don’t have a blog, you can use the What an Animal Reading Challenge Goodreads group to keep track. I will use both.

Based on the number of animal mysteries and books on Dogs I read, I am pretty sure I can read at least 6.  Please note: A animal does have to have a major role in the book, not just be on the cover.

The animal can be any type of animal (real or fictitious)--dog, cat, monkey, wolf, snake, insect, hedgehog, aardvark...dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, get the idea... 

The levels as shown on Yvonne’s blog:

  • Level One – Read 1-6 
  • Level Two – Read 7-12 
  • Level Three – Read 13-20  
  • Level Four – Go crazy and read at least 21 or more

Have fun reading books with animals!

My goal is Level One 1 - 10:

  1. The Dog Who Knew Too Much
  2. The Mystery of the Blue Dolphins
  3. Traitorous Toys
  4. Cruel Candy
  5. A Bark in the Night
  6. Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know

          The challenge will begin on January 1, 2019 and end on December 31, 2019.

          Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me and Lindi-Lou!

          P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


          Dec 24, 2018

          An Apple a Day Can't Keep the Murder Away

          Hello my cozy friends.

          Earlier this month I had an opportunity through Booksprout, to receive an advance copy of Apple Die by Chelsea Thomas.

          Publication Date:  December 26, 2018 
          Amazon Digital Services LLC    
          Paperback 184 pages
          Genre - Cozy Mystery

          An Apple a Day Can't Keep the Murder Away

          When Chelsea Thomas was left at the altar, she moved home to live on the family orchard with her quirky aunt, Miss May. All Chelsea wanted was hot cocoa and apple pie. 

          Then she found a dead body. Face down in her favorite stream.

          Now she’s in the middle of a murder investigation, and a killer is on the loose in her quaint small town.

          Miss May is a former New York City lawyer, so she thinks she and Chelsea can catch the criminal on their own.

          Local business owner Teeny is nosy, opinionated, and convinced the murder was inspired by her favorite British mystery series. 

          And Chelsea is caught up in the amateur investigation, a timid Watson on her first case.

          Will the stress of the amateur sleuthing be enough to break Chelsea for good? Or will it be exactly what she needs to get over her ex, and learn to be happy? 

          Most importantly, will this rag-tag crew find the killer before he strikes again?

          You’ll love this cozy because it’s clean, it has lots of comedy and the murder keeps you guessing until the end. 

          This book does not contain bad language or graphic violence. But it does include a cute tiny horse named See-Saw! 

          Apple Die is Book 1 in the Apple Orchard Cozy Mystery Series.  Read FREE on Kindle Unlimited 

          When Chelsea Thomas was left at the altar, she was left with nothing.  Her quirky Aunt May comes and takes her to live on the family apple orchard.  Then she found a dead body!  Now she’s in the middle of a murder investigation, and a killer is on the loose in her quaint small town.

          I must admit I had trouble at first getting into this book, not sure if it was because its written in first person or the chapters on Chelsea being left at alter didn't flow.  But once Miss May came, the story flowed and I became invested in the quirky characters and the story. Although it is a short read, I was able to read it in a few short hours I found the characters were well-written, had strong female protagonists . It’s set in a small, close-knit town and orchard.  I did suspect who the killer was, but I wasn’t sure of the hows and whys of it until the end.  I already feel like Miss May, Teeny and Chelsea are old friends and cannot wait to read book two in the series..

          My Rating

          Chelsea Thomas is technically two people... Married writing team Chelsea and Matthew Thomas. 
          Chelsea and Matt have spent the last 9 years living in Los Angeles, where they have worked as screenwriters. There, they have worked with such companies as CBS, SONY, and Nickelodeon. Now, with the completion of their first cozy mystery novel, Apple Die, they are proud to say that they are authors, too.                                                                                     When asked who would enjoy this mystery they replied?   People who like quick, clean, cozy mysteries will like our apple orchard cozy mystery series. These books have strong female protagonists, a mystery you can follow along with, and no violence or bad language. They're great for the beach, the pool, or to curl up with by the fire. A cozy escape for any environment! 
          Chelsea and Matt love to surprise their subscribers with surprises and rewards, so don't forget to sign up for Thomas Tuesdays HERE

          Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and Booksprout, and my opinions are my own. 

          Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little blog! I always love reading comments and getting to know my followers.


          Starting over at 53 - where are my interests taking me

          Merry Christmas!

          Wishing you all a Happy Holiday and all the best in 2019.

          For the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019 I am wanting to start fresh and expand my horizons with new interests, travel and some old favourites.

          One interest is writing book reviews, it is something I never really did other than Loved it!  But now with the understanding of how authors need our reviews and getting to know some authors through my Cozy Mystery Group on Facebook called Cozy Mystery Book Corner  which was founded by Jen Alexander in 2017, I am delving into writing reviews on Goodreads and here on my blog.

          I am still reading and looking in to how to do book reviews and share on a blog, so please be patient with me while I am in this learning curve.  I have decided to look back at cozy mystery series that I read over the past 5 years since being off work and later get back into my British Mystery favourite authors.  There were several authors that sprang to mind with respect to writing reviews as I have read every book in the series and I know I can give a 4 star or higher review.

          Some of my favourites at the time of going on Long Term Disability were:

          You can kind of see the theme to the books I read... Crafting and Magical with cats thrown in for good measure. Since a teen I LOVED British Mysteries, by authors like Agatha Christie, PD James, MC Beaton, Elizabeth George, just to name a few.  They filled my bookshelves, floor and boxes.  This was the time before kindles and e-books.

          With all this said I can not forget my love of cardmaking and I hope to do more of it and I am hoping Lindi will let me get some done in 2019.  It is time for me to climb out of hibernation and enjoy the simple pleasures life offers.

          Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog!


          Dec 23, 2018

          2019 First in Series Challenge

          Hello cozy friends,

          Happy Weekend everyone and Merry Christmas!

          Can you believe that there is only one and a half weeks left to 2018!  I am trying to finish signing up for all the reading challenges.  Tari has made up this challenge as she had a lot of firsts to read.  I am a very OCD person and always like to read the books in order, since joining Cozy Mystery Book Corner, I haven't always done that due to the book discussions.  This challenge will give me a great opportunity to catch up.

          I am not sure how many I have to do but a few I know of are:

          1. Curiosity Thrilled the Cat (Magical Cats Mysteries) - Sofie Kelly
          2. The Whole Cat and Caboodle (Second Chance Cat Mysteries) - Sofie Kelly
          3. Beaches, Bungalows & Burglaries (Camper & Criminals Mysteries) - Tonya Kappes
          4. A Ghostly Undertaking (Ghostly Southern Mysteries) - Tonya Kappes
          5. Scene of the Grind (Killer Coffee Mysteries)- Tonya Kappes
          6. Off Kilter (Scottish Highlands Mysteries)- Hannah Reed
          7. Last Wool and Testament (Haunted Yarn Shop Mysteries)—Molly MacRae
          8. Sprinkle with Murder (Cupcake Bakery Mysteries)—Jenn McKinlay
          9. The Quick and the Thread (Embroidery Mysteries)—Amanda Lee
          10. Books Can Be Deceiving (Library Lover’s Mysteries) - Jenn McKinlay
          11. Broomsticks and Burials (Paranormal Cozy Mystery) - Lily Webb
          12. Deadly News (Britton Bay Mysteries) - Jody Holford
          13. Killer Christmas (An Emma Wild Holiday Mystery) - Harper Lee 

          I'm only just now been ready to enjoy the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies I pvr'd.  I also watched Bohemian Rhapsody last night with my girlfriend for her birthday.

          Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog!

          P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


          2019 Craving for Cozies Challenge

          Hello cozy friends,

          I am signing up for another reading challenge, since I can crossover on a lot of these why not go for it.  Give me some more motivation to read instead of being on electronics.  I plan on doing the Famished level.  This is copied from the Escape with Dollycas blog:

          “The challenge runs from January 1, 2019, and ends December 31, 2019


          1. Choose the level of which you would like to participate:
          • Peckish – 1 – 25 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Famished – 26 – 51 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Yearning – 51 – 75 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Starving – 76 – 100 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Ravenous – 101 – 125 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Voracious – 126 – 150 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Overindulged – 151 – 200 Cozy Mysteries 
          • Pigged Out – 201 or more Cozy Mysteries 
          You can always go up a level but you can’t go down.

          2. You can Feed Your Need To Read with print, digital or audio books.

          3. You do not have to post a review but the authors would appreciate it if you did. If you need help just let Escape with Dollycas know.” (end of copied text)

          This challenge can be even more fun if you join Lori’s Facebook group, Craving for Cozies Challenge.  Even though I plan to keep track there, I still will still have a Goodreads Shelf and use my notebook I have been writing my challenges and books in. 

          I plan to review on Goodreads and Amazon for all the books that I read but with that said I might not necessarily choose to blog about them. I do like to post a review to help out the authors.

          Please, be sure to go to the original blog post on Escape with Dollycas Into a Good Book to click on
          the form to sign up! What level are you going to sign up for?

          Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little blog.
          P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


          Dec 22, 2018

          2019 Reading Challenge Addicts

          Hello friends,

          This is what I have become after becoming friends with Tari over on Cuddle up with a Cozy and a Dachshund .  Please check out her blog.

          Bev from My Reader’s Block is hosting it but that first link is just her own page for listing her challenges. Reading Challenge Addicts 2019 (sign up here) has its own separate blog. Here are the levels from that same blog’s About page. (See the Reading Challenge Addicts About Page  for complete details.)
          “How addicted are you?
          • Easy as Pie: 1-5 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
          • On the Roof: 6-10 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
          • In Flight: 11-15 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
          • Out of This World: 16+ Challenges (Entered & Completed)”
          As I am new to all this Reading Challenge idea, I will start off with Easy as Pie but who knows I might change it part way through.

          Tari had a great idea of having a post listing all the challenges and having links to keep track, which I will do after the holidays.  I only try to post 3 times a week but with trying to sign up for these challenges i need to post sometimes a couple in one day.  I apologize for bombarding you all.

          Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog!

          P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


          Not a Creature was Purring - Krista Davis

          Hello my friends,

          I discovered this series March 8, 2017 and flew through the first 5 (will review in new year) the 6th book in the series "Not a Creature was Purring" was worth the wait.

          Publication Date:  November 7, 2017 
          Paperback 304 pages
          Genre - Cozy Mystery

          Santa Claws is coming to town and checking his list for a murderer—as the New York Times bestselling Paws & Claws Mysteries continue…

          Inn owner Holly Miller finds it ruff staying cheerful over the holidays when the dead body of a beloved businessman turns up in the pet-friendly town of Wagtail, Virginia.

          Inspired by her German heritage, Holly’s grandmother has arranged for Wagtail to have a Christkindl Market packed with goodies and decorations for the howliday tourists. But Holly’s mood takes an unseasonable turn when she learns that her old flame and childhood friend Holmes Richardson has brought his fiancée home—and she’ll be staying at the Sugar Maple Inn…

          A love triangle becomes the last thing on Holly’s mind when her Jack Russell Trixie’s nose for trouble leads her to the corpse of a pet clothing tycoon. Now Holly and her dedicated detectives—Trixie and Twinkletoes the cat—must sniff out the killer to keep Christmas from going to the dogs…

          Delicious recipes for owners and pets included!

          Read this book in one sitting, I absolutely love this series. The characters are starting to feel like old friends and the new characters that were guests were quite like the people I met on holidays, crazy, and demanding but without the murders . Having had a Calico and Samoyed as a child, it reminds me of them and I love the antics that Trixie and Twinkletoes get up to in the guests rooms, and around the hotel.  You know that Krista must have furbabies to draw from and indeed she does.  I never know who committed the murders until the end, the food always makes me hungry - would love to vacation in a place where you and your dog are welcome everywhere.  Wagtail is definitely somewhere I would love to live or visit.

          My Rating

          KRISTA DAVIS is the New York Times bestselling author of the Paws & Claws Mysteries, including Mission Impawsible, Murder Most Howl, The Ghost and Mrs. Mewer, and Murder, She Barked, as well as the Domestic Diva Mysteries, including The Diva Serves High Tea, The Diva Steals a Chocolate Kiss, and The Diva Wraps It Up. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with a brood of cats and dogs, including a snoopy Jack Russell terrier and a nosy calico cat. Her friends and family complain about being guinea pigs for her recipes, but she notices that they keep coming back for more.

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