Dec 30, 2014

Colour Combos!

Have you ever wanted to begin a project, but became bewildered due to the colour choices? 
It happens to me ALL the time!

Its frustrating- because there are SO many gorgeous Stampin' Up! colours to choose from! (Oh! its a hard life!! LOL)

Besides going on Pinterest and seeing all the great colour combinations out there, Stampin' Up! has a great tool to help you called Colour Coach

A combo I saw on Ink It Up with Jessica that I liked was this nice soft winter color combo

What is your favorite colour combo?
Leave me a comment or post a picture on my Facebook page "Stamp with Karen"

Hugs, Karen

Dec 29, 2014

Craftroom Organization

Seriously so in love with Nikk's craftroom, there is so many different stations, I think I need to tell hubby we need to move to a house with a big bonus room, like hers. Lol She has lots of good info, she does not do the same crafts as me but wonderful ideas.  I will need to borrow my friends Label machine, either that or get one of my own 

I started this a few weeks ago but never published, I have since then dismantled my room again, seem to do this every month.  Hubby was nice and bought me a 8 cube shelving unit and a desktop organization spinner, still not happy with layout and wish I could have some of the Stampnstorage units but until I move to the USA it wont be happening.  But in the meantime I am happy that hubby lets me take over 3 rooms in the house with all my stash.

Well room is still in disaray so no cardmaking today, but if we get energized I just might be able to make a birthday card for brother-in-law and nephew.

Have a great day!
Hugs, Karen

Dec 28, 2014

Stampin' Up! Year-end Closeouts

Hello friends,
I hope you all had an wonderful Christmas with family and friends!! We had a great time, with family and saw friends on Boxing Day. Stay tuned for some photos later today or sometime this week. 

I wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday morning, while you are enjoying the Boxing Day sales don't forget that Stampin Up has lots of good deals happening in the UPDATED Year-End Closeouts over my On-Line Store. 

Also don't forget to check out the Weekly Deals !!

Hugs, Karen

Dec 10, 2014

What's my Name?

Happy Wednesday my crafty friends!

Have you ever struggled with your blog/FB page/company name, that is where I find myself today. For some reason I just cannot decide what to call myself, I have been going back and forth with Handmade Creations by Karen and Stamp with Karen neither one really grabs me nor feels right.

I had others in mind but have already been taken and for the life of me I cannot come up with one I like or really reflects me. I love stamping, am a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, love tea and cats.

What are your thoughts or suggestions.

Hugs, Karen

Stampin Up Saleabration party

Hi Everyone!

Would any of you peeps want to host a party, can be in home or at my home or even just online,  I need to have at least 2 booking the weeks of January 6th – 31st .

There are great Sale-A-Bration benefits for hosts!   Also for every $60 spent pick a free item out of the  Sale-a-Bration catalog (Available January 6th, 2015)

Another great opportunity is to JOIN ME!!! Check this out....during Sale-a-Bration there are awesome deals but if you join me you will not only get to get the benefits of becoming a demonstrator but you can get all your items as part of your starter kit. 

Message me for more details or head over to my website and join me today!!!!!!!

Hugs Karen

Nov 28, 2014

Manchester joins Castanet - Kelowna News -

This is my lovely uncle Jon, more of a brother as we are only 9 months apart.  So very proud and wish him all the best in his new adventure.

Manchester joins Castanet - Kelowna News -

Nov 22, 2014

Stampin' Up! Online Extravaganza

Get Ready for a Week Full of Amazing Offers! 

Enjoy these flash deals on select items and bundles at a 20–50 percent discount! But quantities are limited, and this great opportunity only lasts November 24 through December 2, so get yours before they're gone!

Plus, there will be limited-time door busters on November 24 and December 1 on special products-some that have never before been paired together-that are only available for 24 hours and while supplies last! These specific deals are extremely limited, so act fast!

All new demonstrator get this great deal, a 25 percent discount on the Starter Kit! 
For more details on this opportunity message me at Stamp with Karen

Hugs, Karen

Nov 18, 2014

It's a BOY!

Congratulations Amanda, beautiful mommy to be of a precious BABY BOY!!!! We are all so excited for you and can't wait to meet him.

Here is a card that I made for the Baby Shower using a combination of retired Stampin' Up! Special Delivery set and Paper Smooches Pip Squeaks and I colored the image using Letraset Promarkers .The paper that I used for this card is Stampin' Up! Baked Brown Sugar, Whisper White and Designer Series Fresh Prints. I added cute little jewels on the sentiment and corners for some blingyness

My card is made with the Stephanie Barnard's Sizzix Step-Ups card die, the card folds to a standard A2 size.

Unfortunately I was ill and unable to attend but was sent some of the photos. Now, check out the cake.  WOW was that awesome!!! I couldn't wait to share the photos. 
Nice job Rayleen!

Thank you for stopping by Handmade Creations by Karen.  Please feel free to leave comment, suggestions or post a question.  I love reading your comments and feel so blessed to have so many wonderful stamping friends!!!

Nov 9, 2014

Been Awhile

Sorry I am falling behind as usual. Perfect description of me lately is "Always bored, Sometimes crafty and Often odd", only thing missing is dazed and confused.  Thus I have not been doing as much as I want to with my cards or any craft, not sure if it is the meds or just me.  I have been slow at making cards except for the ones I made for US Thanksgiving and a few Christmas cards. 

One thing I am very happy I did a month ago was signing up for LTL Weight Loss Management, my Life Coach is my cousin Lisa in Las Vegas so been great getting to know her even better.  I was doing great up until this last week with Halloween and just feeling blue (Dad's birthday in a few weeks).  I have lost just over 10 lbs and about 12 inches overall in the first 4 weeks.  Doctors still want me to lose about 40 more pounds, baby steps is how I have to look at it.  Between the MS fatigue and Fibromyalgia it is a struggle to find the energy to exercise but I know in time it will get easier.  I just wish I had started this earlier as the cold weather has hit Calgary this coming week.

I am dreading weigh in tomorrow but it will be good to see, and hopefully give me the motivation to be extra good and eat LOTS of veggies and do some stretching or yoga.

Here are a few of the cards I made last weekend with my friend Nelly.




Thank you for stopping by....

Hugs, Karen

Sep 14, 2014

Happy 80th Birthday Papa

My Step-dad "Papa" will be turning 80 on September 27th and I really wanted to make one of those box cards with Balloons and maybe a old looking golfer in the middle.  I have watched a few U-Tube videos on how to make it and gotten the dimensions (listed below), now I just have to get started. 

Card in a Box scoring, I must remember this!
  • Finished Size when flat: 4-1/2 x 6 ".  Individual panels are 2-1/4 " wide.
  • Cut Base: 9.5 x 6 "
  • Score base: 2-1/4, 4-1/2, 6-3/4 & 9 " on long side. Score at 3-1/4 " on short side.
  • Inserts: Cut at 3-1/4 " x 3/4 ". Score at 1/2 " from either end
Or per the awesome video by Deb Valder fellow Stampin' Up! demonstrator (check out her video):

  • Cut piece of cardstock at 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" (it's a half sheet of cardstock)
  • Score this piece with the 5 1/2" side on top at 2 3/4"
  • Turn and with the 8 1/2" piece on top you are going to score to the MIDDLE LINE (at the 2 3/4" mark) and cut the rest of the way down
  • Score at 2" then Cut
  • Score at 4" then Cut
  • Score at 6" then Cut
  • Score at 8" then Cut

That's it , now just glue together!


  • Cut a piece at 2 3/4" x 8"
  • Score at 1/2", 2 1/2", 3", 5" 5 1/2" 7 1/2"
  • Fold into a Z with a flare (the ends of the Z are going to be going the opposite way) and POP it into your box.
Layered Pieces:
  • Back pieces – Cardstock 1 7/8" x 5 3/8" and the DSP is 1 3/4" x 5 1/4"
  • Small Panels – Cardstock 1 7/8" x 2 5/8" and the DSP is 1 3/4" x 2 1/2"
  • cut 6 for outside panels and 4 for inside

Hugs, Karen

Sep 12, 2014

Looking Back - My Story (Post from January 19, 2014)

January can be the perfect time to reflect on the past year, your triumphs, and heartaches and set new goals for the future.  As I look back, I am amazed at how much has happened this last year to friends, family and myself.  When I remember how he (God/higher spirit) has brought me through many trials and tribulations in my past, I have confidence and faith that he will see me through anything I will have to face in the future.  The loss of my father this last year has affected me in a way I never thought it could, I miss him every day, in the beginning when I got really depressed, he came to me in a dream and told me everything would be okay, sure enough a few days later my step-sister contacted me which really set my mind and heart at ease.
It is so funny how you never really hear much about something but as soon as it happens to you or a friend all of a sudden you notice how many commercials or people you know have someone in their life with the same issues Cancer/MS/Fibro.

7 years ago I did not know much about MS other than my grandfather had it and a general idea what it was.  Once it was suspected that I had MS, I found out lots of people I knew had someone in their family that has or had it, now with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia on top of the MS, all I see is ads for it and Dr. Oz did an episode too.  Now I find out I have a few friends suffering the same as me.  I really feel for anyone going through this as you never know from day to day what you will feel like and it is frustrating, or you have to deal with people looking at you like “you look fine, so must be in your head”

I try to remind myself that there are worse things that could happen or someone worse off than me so do not be sad just smile and suck it up you can get past the pain or fatigue. People are always saying just don’t think about it but the more you try to forget about it, the more your brain likes to think of every little thing.

I really need to understand the importance of distraction and the necessity to have fun in my life (for me it is crafting).

I may have MS and Fibromyalgia, but it does not have me. I cannot and will not let illness and pain rule my life or define who I am.

“For women coping with fibromyalgia, there is often a feeling of immense pressure to live up to others’ seemingly impossible standards and they feel frustration, shame, and high levels of stress when they cannot meet these expectations.”

I find this to be true with me, I have always been a people pleaser,neat freak, and have a hard time saying no. But on the other hand when I feel I have not pleased someone I am much harder on myself than the average person might be.  I tend to fall into “Unhealthy guilt”, which is the kind of guilt you feel about things that we have no control over, like my illness. This kind of guilt serves no purpose, makes us suffer for something that is not our fault, and frequently leads to self-hatred and feeling like a failure.  When I cannot go to work, or am too tired to clean the house or have to cancel plans I beat myself up inside and get really upset but try not to show it, or I make myself do it even though I will pay for it later on.  Little comments by friends or hubby whether joking or serious really cuts to the bone.  What people seem to not understand are some days I have to make a decision to either shower or fix something to eat because doing one thing just exhausts me beyond belief.  I am told “NO” you can do this and work 8 hours then travel home and continue on with your schedule but in reality what happens is I shower, cry then finally get dressed go to work. Day one might not be too bad but by day two, I struggle through the day with a migraine brought on from the fluorescent lights etc. then finally get home and all I can do is go to bed, might sleep an hour but wake up with leg/hip pain burning in feet calves, pain in wrists and fingers. Next thing I know the alarm is going off 4:30am time to do it all over.  What kind of quality of life is this for anyone?  You get told it is psychosomatic yet you tell yourself every day I wish I was better and life would go back to normal so if psychosomatic then why aren’t I better.  I feel guilty for disappointing everyone I work with and my husband, family and friends.  I cannot remember what normal is anymore as it has been so long, I want to be happy and my husband be happy and not worry so much.  Thanks for listening, it felt good to write this and get stuff out.  Now on to happier things like a card or funny post tomorrow.
Hugs, Karen

Goodbye Summer Hello Fall

Wow it has been a very long time since I posted, did not realize it was back in July.  Not much is new in my world same old doctors, specialist and therapist appointments with card making in between.

I have made a few cards in the last few weeks:

Hoping to make a box card for my Papa's 80th birthday this weekend as I need to give to mum on the 20th to put in her luggage.  Stay tuned for pictures and dimensions.

Hugs, Karen

Jul 30, 2014

Tea and Crafting

I am becoming a hoarder once again! I want to pretty much have everything in the catalog and trust me I have purchased a lot since I became a demonstrator and love being able to save 20% on my purchases. NOW with the Holiday Catalog coming out in August I do not know what I will do as there is so much in there that I like too. I almost need one level of my house to be my craftroom, then actually feel well enough to make some cards or other projects. I was going to start knitting I think last spring and never did, I will have to have Lorna over for a lesson soon. Need something else to distract me other than Pinterest and Facebook. What do you do with your free time?

I notice that when I am sad or depressed I tend to either shop or decorate.  Since my husband does not like change decorating is usually out of the picture so I resort to buying things.  In this case crafting supplies, I become like a kid in the candy store and want everything and in every colour available.  I was hoping I was over being sad about not working and not being able to do everything like before, but I am seeing the pattern begin again.

On the bright side I have lots of lovely crafting supplies and time to make things whether for myself or to send to others.  I found out last week that a couple of friends where not well or been in hospital so I made a couple cards.

I want to personalize the next card with picture of something I know they like.  Now I just need the energy to actually make the card I know what it will look like in my head but I just have to get it from there onto the paper.

With rehab starting again I hope that the exercise does indeed give me more energy and maybe improve my mood.  I have the smiling face and project to the world that everything is hunky dorey but in reality I am crying on the inside for what was.  Thinking that I should probably write in a journal or even better do an artist journal with mixed media and get it all out that way!  I must try this as I have seen some beautiful ones done by some of my crafty friends.

Enough rambling from little ol me and lets get back to making things.  My new motto is "Keep Calm with Tea and Crafting"

Hugs, Karen

Jul 13, 2014

Sundays musings

I think I need to find something to distract me other than Facebook, I could be crafting but most days do not feel up to it.  I do start back at the Living Well program Mondays and Wednesdays at the YMCA .  Looking forward to that in afternoons hopefully energy will pick up and also lose some poundage!   But I think I want to learn photoshop or something similar and start taking better pictures with my camera rather than phone.

What program do you use to sign watermark, alter style of your photos for blog?

One day I would like to have a signature, watermark, designed page for blog etc.  But first things first need to learn how to write and how to take better photos!!

Enough of my ramblings, wishing you all a wonderful Sunday evening!

Hugs, Karen

Jul 8, 2014

Blendabilities Monday!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend! We had a WONDERFUL week long holiday and amazing company to go with it!  I am very HAPPY to be home again missed my craft room, bed and little munchkins.

I have NO cards to show as I have been away and am still recuperating from our holiday to Vancouver Island. But I can let you in on what is NEW and available as of July 1st!


I love to colour!  It can be so therapeutic and I think we all need to flash back to our childhoods.  If you haven't heard of these yet, you will be so glad you are reading this!  If you have ever heard of COPIC markers, BLENDABILITIES is the Stampin' Up version.  Even though I have close to 100 Copic markers I have still been buying the Blendabilities, I love that the colours match the papers, etc.  I have not mastered making my own videos but please watch these from Stampin' Up!

Hope you enjoy the videos and have a colourful week!   Hugs, Karen

Jun 17, 2014

Hump Day approaches

What a day, kept thinking it was Wednesday but only Tuesday so no wings tonight.  Went to a hair salon for the first time in 14 years it took 3 hours to highlight and colour my hair, love it and now maybe the grey won't be as noticeable.  After dinner tonight I made 2 cards with my new stamp from Stampin' Up! called "A Little Smile Wood-Mount Stamp"  

Will be donating these for an auction in England to help Rescued dogs and cats.
Hoping to get a few more done Wednesday as well as the wedding shower card I should have done weeks ago.

Good night all 
Hugs, Karen

Jun 13, 2014

Designing a Craft Room

On this rainy Friday 13th, I am sitting here wondering how I could design my craft room in the basement.  I will need to do it fairly inexpensively but want it to be functional and very organized.

I have seen Fabulous craft rooms online like Mary's on Stamp in Pretty.

Currently the space is not being used for anything but has a couch and tv, I am hoping we can move those upstairs to the loft and we can have a little TV room in there again.

I would love to have a cabinet section along the back wall, with counter.  I love to do a lot of my stamping standing up.  I have a lovely big desk from Ikea with a glass top which will need to go in the space and I have a bunch of the Recollections cubes from Michaels.   In my dreams it is so similar to Mary's room but I know realistically that wont happen.

For now I can have the fun of picking out paint colours and begging friends to help me paint, then having hubby move all the furniture as I wont be able to do much of that aspect with my illness.

I am thinking I would like a soft white on most of the walls and then an accent wall in a pale teal or something.  Love the Shabby Chic look, was also thinking about making some bunting to put on one of the walls as a decoration.  Hopefully hubby will let me hang things on the walls or have some floating shelves.

When I go on Pinterest, I can spend hours looking at storage ideas and other crafts. Makes for a great distraction pinning rather than actually making anything.

I hope to have pictures of my Craft room journey soon but for now here is a photo of the basement and my messy room in the loft.

Have a great day!  Hugs Karen

Watercolor Thank You

I must apologise as I have not been writing very much lately, instead I have been trying to concentrate on getting healthier.  I have been finding with the increase in medications I feel out of it for long periods of time and cannot really think or do to much.  Last night I felt high for almost 8 hours, just breathing seemed laboured and my mind was racing all over the place.

Alot of my time is spent thinking about making cards or scrapbooking and very little time actually doing it.

I did receive a HUGE Stampin' Up! order yesterday, I get so excited when I see the UPS truck pull up to the house.

Included in this shipment was the Watercolor Thank You stamp, perfect timing as I was working on a few Thank You cards.

These were made with the following Stampin' Up! products:

Have a great weekend everyone!   Hugs Karen

Jun 2, 2014

Happy Monday!

Good morning all my crafty friends and what a great week this will be!
What did you get up to this weekend? I spent the day making cards with a friend and yesterday I was getting the house ready for my Mum to visit.  Unfortunately all the excitement and extra activity took it out of me and I was in bed by 5pm.   Today is the day I believe you can start ordering from the NEW  2014-2015 Catalog !

Although the cards I made this weekend aren't Stampin' Up!  I will have some throughout the week to show you.  Below is a flip it card for my god-daughters birthday that I made on weekend took me two days lol but I love it!   I still have to decide if I want google eyes or not.

Or with the google eyes?

And finally the inside

I am off to the Neurologist today so no card making till tomorrow with Mum, can't wait.
Wishing all of you a wonderful day.

Hugs, Karen

Forest Ever White by Sara Knightly

Hello my friends,  Today I am reviewing “Forest  Ever White by Sara Knightly.  I loved this story and am sad to see it end. Buy here The Epi...