Jul 30, 2014

Tea and Crafting

I am becoming a hoarder once again! I want to pretty much have everything in the catalog and trust me I have purchased a lot since I became a demonstrator and love being able to save 20% on my purchases. NOW with the Holiday Catalog coming out in August I do not know what I will do as there is so much in there that I like too. I almost need one level of my house to be my craftroom, then actually feel well enough to make some cards or other projects. I was going to start knitting I think last spring and never did, I will have to have Lorna over for a lesson soon. Need something else to distract me other than Pinterest and Facebook. What do you do with your free time?

I notice that when I am sad or depressed I tend to either shop or decorate.  Since my husband does not like change decorating is usually out of the picture so I resort to buying things.  In this case crafting supplies, I become like a kid in the candy store and want everything and in every colour available.  I was hoping I was over being sad about not working and not being able to do everything like before, but I am seeing the pattern begin again.

On the bright side I have lots of lovely crafting supplies and time to make things whether for myself or to send to others.  I found out last week that a couple of friends where not well or been in hospital so I made a couple cards.

I want to personalize the next card with picture of something I know they like.  Now I just need the energy to actually make the card I know what it will look like in my head but I just have to get it from there onto the paper.

With rehab starting again I hope that the exercise does indeed give me more energy and maybe improve my mood.  I have the smiling face and project to the world that everything is hunky dorey but in reality I am crying on the inside for what was.  Thinking that I should probably write in a journal or even better do an artist journal with mixed media and get it all out that way!  I must try this as I have seen some beautiful ones done by some of my crafty friends.

Enough rambling from little ol me and lets get back to making things.  My new motto is "Keep Calm with Tea and Crafting"

Hugs, Karen

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