Oct 2, 2019

Christmas Cow Bells by Mollie Cox Bryan

Hello my cozy friends,

"Christmas Cow Bells" is the 1st book in "A Buttermilk Creek Mystery" series, by Mollie Cox Bryan.  I have read other series by this author and true to form I loved it!  I loved the setting of Shenandoah Springs in the Blue Ridge Mountains,  I always like a small town setting where almost everyone knows one another.  Makes for fun and often quirky characters
Print Length: 336 pages
Publisher: Kensington Books (Sept. 24 2019)
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Christmas is a time for new beginnings, so after her big breakup, Brynn MacAlister takes the gouda with the bad. With her three Red Devon cows, she settles in bucolic Shenandoah Springs, eager for a new life as an organic micro-dairy farmer and cheese-maker. Then her dear cow Petunia’s bellows set the whole town on edge. But it isn’t until Brynn’s neighbor, Nancy, dies in a mysterious fire that her feelings about small town life begin to curdle .

It seems some folks were not happy with Nancy’s plan to renovate the Old Glebe Church. But is a fear of change a motivation for murder? As a newcomer, Brynn can’t ignore the strange events happening just on the other side of her frosty pasture—and soon on her very own farm. Suddenly Christmas doesn’t feel so festive as everyone demands she muzzle sweet Petunia, and Brynn is wondering if someone wants to silence her—for good . . .

Protagonist Brynn, is a strong, well-educated independent woman, and her three cows are absolutely adorable! Plus the side characters are realistic, slightly quirky, and I like her friends Willow and Schuyler, the animal acupuncturist.  The characters are well developed and down to earth.

I found myself engrossed in the story and reading it in one sitting.  It was entertaining, full of twists and turns as well as a few surprises.  I even learnt something about making cheese and it included some recipes which is always a bonus.

 I look forward to reading the next installment in this series.

I requested and received an Advanced Readers Copy from Kensington Publishing and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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