Oct 17, 2019

A Cup of Holiday Fear by Ellie Alexander

Hello my cozy friends,

Today I am reviewing "A Cup of Holiday Fear " the 10th installment in the "Bakeshop Mystery" series by Ellie Alexander . I believed I had not read any of the previous books but the place, names etc. were familiar so I may have read one. I did not have any trouble following along so, yes it can be read as a standalone. I do recommend reading them in order, this way you really get to know  the characters.
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks (Sept. 24 2019)

I had no trouble envisioning Ashland all decked out with holiday lights, snow falling, and carollers singing. Jules and the rest of the characters were well developed, I liked how the story was character driven with a mystery, I like these kind of series as you become invested in the characters and what’s happening around them. I enjoyed the holiday atmosphere that the author created and how Jules and her mum included everyone who had no Christmas plans in theirs.

I did suspect the killer pretty quick, but there were plenty of suspects to choose from as Cami was a pretty rotten person. There were some twists and turns just enough to keep you guessing. Don’t get me started on the descriptions of all the desserts, drinks and food , I think I gained 10lbs just thinking about them. I like that recipes are included in back of the book too, yes in some spots the detailed descriptions on Jules making a dessert became a bit much but then I’m not a foodie, but those that are will love it.

I highly recommend this book and series to all my cozy friends especially the ones that love to bake!

I requested and received an Advanced Readers Copy from Kensington Books and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

View all my reviews

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