Oct 29, 2019

A Very Mummy Holiday by Lynn Cahoon

Hello my cozy friends,

“A Very Mummy Holiday” is the 9.5 book ”A Tourist Trap Mystery” series by Lynn Cahoon is a quick and enjoyable read.  I love this series and was super happy to get an Advanced Readers Copy.

Protagonist Jill, her dog Emma, and Greg along with a couple friends decide to rent a cabin in an Oregon beach town for their Thanksgiving holiday. While in town, one of the group discovers a skeleton buried in the sand dune.

I was pulled in from the very beginning and didn’t stop till the end.  The mystery was well plotted and moved along at an even pace. There are only a few suspects for the murder and almost from the beginning you realize the person who people suspect of the murder is not the right person. Jill’s empathy shows throughout the story and you can’t help empathizing with Caleb and his situation too.

I highly recommend this novella to all my cozy friends.

I requested and received an Advanced Readers Copy from Lyrical Underground and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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