Apr 8, 2019

Beat Autoimmune: The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health

Hello friends,

This week, I have a book review that all of you with autoimmune issues will find interesting "Beat Autoimmune: The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health" by Palmer Kippola.  Palmer Kippola reversed her Multiple Sclerosis by finding and removing her triggers and healing her gut.  I discovered her website/blog after reading the book and am so happy I did.

It is no surprise she went on to write a book to share all of this excellent information with all of us! Click here to go to her website for more information.

“Beat Autoimmune serves up proven ways to address the root causes of autoimmune disorders. If you’re ready to reclaim your health, I highly recommend reading this book and following the steps that Palmer has laid out. It could transform your life.” – Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS

Beat Autoimmune: The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health Beat Autoimmune: The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health by Palmer Kippola
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I too have a form of MS and other autoimmune diseases. I have a friend who has done lots of research in this area and tells me similar information. I'm finding this to be an excellent resource and recommend it for anyone battling MS or other autoimmune conditions such as Lyme, Hashimoto's, fibromyalgia, etc.

After doctors told her the only treatment was to take medicine and she would be confined to a wheelchair, Palmer searched for other answers. Was a good thing, too, because she reversed her MS through nutrition and lifestyle. ( I must profess this is where I struggle, the diet and nutrition aspect) The author has carefully put all the research into one place which is very helpful. . The "toolkit" approach contained in this book is full of actionable steps you can take to figure out your root cause triggers and start to heal. I highly recommend adding this to your arsenal against Autoimmune disorders.

I requested and received a digital copy from Kensington Books via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

View all my reviews

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