Nov 18, 2018

Where does the time go?

I find that I am increasingly losing track of time when online, whether it be Facebook, Pinterest, or just researching stuff and/or helping out friends with their pages. Most days this is okay but it does take me away from actually doing something like, exercise, chores, getting outside in the real world.

I have taken steps to try and fix this when hubby home, turning off my phone from 7pm till morning, turning off electronics for a few hours every evening so we can spend some time together. But usually you can find iPhone, iPad and laptop within arms reach or sometimes I am using all 3 at once. 

Hubby asked me the other day what did you do before computers, my reply was "had a life". I actually did crafts, went out with friends, read lots and lots of books. But with the onset of my M.S. and Fibromyalgia I slowly started pulling away socially and eventually I had to stop working so even further isolation occurred. 

But I can seriously say I need something other than social media to entertain me during the day. My goal for 2019 is to be more connected to my environment and family.  Who knows maybe one day this crippling fatigue will be gone. (I originally wrote this November 2014 and not much has changed sadly)

Does any one else find they lose themselves when on computer or working on a project?

P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


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