Dec 30, 2014

Colour Combos!

Have you ever wanted to begin a project, but became bewildered due to the colour choices? 
It happens to me ALL the time!

Its frustrating- because there are SO many gorgeous Stampin' Up! colours to choose from! (Oh! its a hard life!! LOL)

Besides going on Pinterest and seeing all the great colour combinations out there, Stampin' Up! has a great tool to help you called Colour Coach

A combo I saw on Ink It Up with Jessica that I liked was this nice soft winter color combo

What is your favorite colour combo?
Leave me a comment or post a picture on my Facebook page "Stamp with Karen"

Hugs, Karen

Dec 29, 2014

Craftroom Organization

Seriously so in love with Nikk's craftroom, there is so many different stations, I think I need to tell hubby we need to move to a house with a big bonus room, like hers. Lol She has lots of good info, she does not do the same crafts as me but wonderful ideas.  I will need to borrow my friends Label machine, either that or get one of my own 

I started this a few weeks ago but never published, I have since then dismantled my room again, seem to do this every month.  Hubby was nice and bought me a 8 cube shelving unit and a desktop organization spinner, still not happy with layout and wish I could have some of the Stampnstorage units but until I move to the USA it wont be happening.  But in the meantime I am happy that hubby lets me take over 3 rooms in the house with all my stash.

Well room is still in disaray so no cardmaking today, but if we get energized I just might be able to make a birthday card for brother-in-law and nephew.

Have a great day!
Hugs, Karen

Dec 28, 2014

Stampin' Up! Year-end Closeouts

Hello friends,
I hope you all had an wonderful Christmas with family and friends!! We had a great time, with family and saw friends on Boxing Day. Stay tuned for some photos later today or sometime this week. 

I wanted to pop in on this beautiful Sunday morning, while you are enjoying the Boxing Day sales don't forget that Stampin Up has lots of good deals happening in the UPDATED Year-End Closeouts over my On-Line Store. 

Also don't forget to check out the Weekly Deals !!

Hugs, Karen

Dec 10, 2014

What's my Name?

Happy Wednesday my crafty friends!

Have you ever struggled with your blog/FB page/company name, that is where I find myself today. For some reason I just cannot decide what to call myself, I have been going back and forth with Handmade Creations by Karen and Stamp with Karen neither one really grabs me nor feels right.

I had others in mind but have already been taken and for the life of me I cannot come up with one I like or really reflects me. I love stamping, am a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, love tea and cats.

What are your thoughts or suggestions.

Hugs, Karen

Stampin Up Saleabration party

Hi Everyone!

Would any of you peeps want to host a party, can be in home or at my home or even just online,  I need to have at least 2 booking the weeks of January 6th – 31st .

There are great Sale-A-Bration benefits for hosts!   Also for every $60 spent pick a free item out of the  Sale-a-Bration catalog (Available January 6th, 2015)

Another great opportunity is to JOIN ME!!! Check this out....during Sale-a-Bration there are awesome deals but if you join me you will not only get to get the benefits of becoming a demonstrator but you can get all your items as part of your starter kit. 

Message me for more details or head over to my website and join me today!!!!!!!

Hugs Karen

Forest Ever White by Sara Knightly

Hello my friends,  Today I am reviewing “Forest  Ever White by Sara Knightly.  I loved this story and am sad to see it end. Buy here The Epi...