Jun 28, 2022

Rangers, Rvs, & Revenge by Tonya Kappes

Hello my cozy friends,

Today I am reviewing “Rangers, Rvs, & Revenge” the 26th instalment in the "Camper & Criminals “ Mystery series by Tonya Kappes.  I absolutely love this series, and can’t get enough of the Laundry Club Ladies and Mae West.
Welcome to Normal where nothing is normal! 

As we say in the south beauty is only skin deep but ugly...now that runs straight to the bone. 
When Miss Daniel Boone Days is murdered and our good friend Helen Pyle, owner of Cute-icles beauty salon is standing over our beauty queen with a gun, lets just say Helen didn't giddy up on out of there. 
Nope. She was hauled down to the sheriff's department and booked for murder. 
Ranger Tucker Pyle is taken off the case because let's just say he knows his Aunt Helen didn't do it, but who better to snoop around to help him out?

Yep! You guessed it!

The Laundry Club Ladies and Mae West once again find themselves with their sleuthing notebook in hand and get all gussied up to find out just who is behind the murder.

After all everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it.
In this instalment we have the ladies and Hank trying to solve who murdered the Beauty Queen during Daniel Boone Days! Dottie cracks me up even more than usual with her antics sitting on the dunk tank at the festival.  What a hoot her and  Beck Greer were having taunting people to toss a ball for charity.  I loved this one “Her little dog, Fifi, can throw a bone better than you throwing that ball!”

The  mystery was good, with several suspects and a few red herrings thrown in.  

I’m full of anticipation/excitement for Book 27  Campfires, Courage, & Convicts as I want to know more about what’s in store for Mae and Hank… (coming August 25, 2022)

I highly recommend you read this series from the beginning and enjoy the escapism as much as I do.

I requested and received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my OWN.

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