Oct 31, 2016

#SKMonthInTheLife Instagram Challenge

Hello my crafty peeps,

Happy Halloween!

#SKMonthInTheLife kicks off on Tuesday the 1st of November… that’s tomorrow!

To participate:

1. Share the image below on your Instagram feed if you haven’t already. (And why not share it on FB to your Page… and on Pinterest or Twitter, too? Get your friends playing!).
2. Follow @kstallman on Instagram. I’ll be posting each day’s prompt to the feed to remind you to take your photo!
3. Post your response to each day’s prompt on your IG feed (and I have created a #SKMonthInTheLife Pin board, too).
4. Make SURE to tag every challenge image @kstallman AND #SKMonthInTheLife – I’ll be choosing my 4 favourites and re-posting them to the Stamp with Karen Instagram feed each day.
The aim of this challenge is to get you sharing the story of your craft business in a fun way! Not only that, if you do every challenge, you’ll have a fabulous bank of photos to use and share on your other social media and website/blog.

1 comment:

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