Apr 26, 2016

Chocolate Bar Wrappers!!

Hello my crafty peeps!!

Another project for the craft fairs is the chocolate bar wrappers, Marie and I have been working on a few designs... Believe me we had a few frustrating moments where the paper went in the garbage with a few explicit words.

But I think we have a few ideas sorted out now.  I have been tasked with making 12 of each size this week.  I have not finished even one yet.  Can I do it??

Stay posted for dimensions and finished products!!

If I can give you just a little inspiration, where you can look at one of my cards and think I can do that, or I could tweak that and put my own spin on it, then I am achieving what I have set out to do! 

P.S. Please share. with your friends and leave me a comment below. I read them ALL!


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