Dec 22, 2019

Address For Murder by Tonya Kappes

Hello my cozy friends,

Today I am reviewing Address for Murder by Tonya Kappes.

Address For Murder by Tonya Kappes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Address for a murder is the second instalment in the Mail Carrier Mystery Series by Tonya Kappes. I loved returning to Sugar Creek Gap Kentucky and finding out what’s been happening with Bernadette, Mac, the Front Porch Ladies and we can’t forget Rowena.

Mail Carrier Bernadette Butler makes sure she checks on all of her elderly customers on her mail carrier route during the colder months. It makes her feel good and lets face it, she's trying to keep her mind off the feelings she's having for her deceased husband's best friend, Mac Tabor. Which makes putting everyone before her is easy.

Until she notices one particular customer's dog (Buster) is on the loose, Bernadette takes the dog back and something isn't right. The door is open. Bernadette goes in to check on her customer only to find him murdered!

Bernadette knows someone knows something about the murder in the small knit community. Now that she's help solve one murder, she can't resist to try her hand at it again...of course not without the help of the FRONT PORCH LADIES and Vince!

I enjoyed this instalment so much, it was even better than the first Stamped Out! Tonya Kappes has done it again writing another fantastic mystery series with characters I love and want to get to know better. I love that Bernadette aka Bernie is in her 50’s I can relate to her and life’s situations easier ("We can't help it if we are old and can't sleep.")

I always know that if I need to escape for a little while that I can pick up one of Tonya’s books and be transported into a town with people I want as neighbors and friends. The stories are well written, filled with humour, compassion and a little murder.

There were just enough suspects, twists and turns to keep me guessing and not wanting to put the book down! I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves cozy mysteries.

I requested and received an Advanced Readers Copy from the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

View all my reviews

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