Feb 12, 2018

Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis


Thought I would share a bit more information on exercise and MS  as I just read an article titled‘Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis’,  which was written in 2004 by Lesley J. White and Rudolph H. Dressendorfer. Their findings suggest that exercise is good for people with MS and can aid with:

  • fatigue
  • muscle weakness
  • depression
  • balance
In addition the paper cites a study by Kraft et al. which showed that, ” progressive resistance training improves muscle strength in MS patients and the ability to perform common daily activities while also improving psychosocial wellbeing.” The paper goes on to conclude:
Disability in MS is associated with reduced strength and aerobic endurance, spasticity, impaired balance and systematic fatigue…… Although further research is indicated, prescription of exercise that enhances cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, mobility and balance shows promise as an effective intervention strategy to minimize functional losses in persons with MS. 
Its not rocket science, but we need to recognise and understand the role that exercise can have on MS and Fibromyalgia.
In my humble opinion we don't need to run marathons or bench press 300lbs but instead remain active and to challenge your body to heal itself.  Easier said and done by someone who was active before but for those that lead an fairly inactive life before diagnose really need to make it a priority.
Even if you can only walk one block today try for a block further the next day, just keep moving.  I went to a class on Pain Management offered through the Living Well Program thru Alberta Health Services and this was something we discussed in detail.  For those that couldn't walk outside due to our winter weather it was suggested that during commercials to stand up and walk in place.

I am hoping to start walking again in the morning at least 3 days a week in our local mall for about half hour and hope to increase by 5 minutes each time till I get up to 1 hour.  If I am in town, I hope to do the MS Walk 2018, it has been a few years since I last did the walk.

What have you done lately to increase your physical activity?

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