About Me

“This & That with Karen”

Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to visit my blog and allowing me to share my love of reading,paper crafting and animals with you. 

I am a M.S. and chronic illness warrior, a mum to a rescue terrier mix named Lindi-Lou, who loves the ocean but lives in landlocked Calgary, Alberta and who hates the snow and cold go figure.  I have been a bookworm from the age of 5 and I love pretty much all mysteries and those with a furbaby or magical angle in particular. I look forward to sharing my reading adventures with you.  

I enjoy cardmaking, scrapbooking, and blogging.  I have been learning a lot about myself over the past 7 years and one is that having a creative outlet is very therapeutic especially when you are dealing with chronic pain.  

All the support and comments from family, friends and others in the crafting and book community also go a long way in bringing a smile to my face even on my darkest days.  This & That with Karen was created in the spring of 2014 

My assistant:
Lindi-Lou March 2017 - present

My past crafty assistants:

Abigail (1999-2016)
Shelby (2000-2016)

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The Widows' Guide to Murder by Amanda Ashby

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